

Through our holistic wrap-around support and supportive housing programs, Solid Ground helps children and families break the cycle of homelessness and poverty for the next generation.

Gifts of all sizes make a difference!

Foundations for a Stronger Future

Our capital campaign consists of a three-pillar approach: Improve the effectiveness of the housing we already own by renovating East Metro Place, Expand access to affordable housing by adding more housing, and Sustain our investments through capital reserves to build resilience for the future.

You are part of the solution and we rely on your generosity! Here are two ways to make a gift to our campaign:

  • Complete this campaign donation form and email to Andrée Aronson, CFRE, Director of Advancement at or mail to East Metro Place, 3521 Century Ave N, White Bear Lake, MN  55110.
  • Contact Andrée Aronson, CFRE, Director of Advancement at or 651-846-9027 for more information.

Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)

Donate through your donor-advised fund with DAFDirect or directly through your donor-advised fund holder (St. Paul Foundation, Minneapolis Foundation, etc.) to support Solid Ground.

Did you know you can make your Giving Circle pledge through a DAF?

Typical Giving Circle pledges are over five years in the amounts of $1,000; $2,500 or $5,000 per year. You can choose to make a pledge in any amount. If you pledge directly through your DAF, please let us know so we can thank you properly for your gift. Contact Andrée Aronson, CFRE, Director of Advancement at or 651-846-9027.

I would like to recommend a donation through DAFDirect:

Don’t see your DAF listed? Let us know! Contact Andrée Aronson, CFRE, Director of Advancement at or 651-846-9027.

Planned Giving

Leave a legacy by including Solid Ground in your will or, save taxes through gifts of appreciated stock or proceeds from your IRA.  Contact Andrée Aronson, CFRE, Director of Advancement at or 651-846-9027 for more information.

Corporate Sponsorships & Giving

There are a variety of ways that we work with corporations and we would be happy to talk to you about ways for your company to get involved. Contact Andrée Aronson, CFRE, Director of Advancement at or 651-846-9027 for more information.

In-Kind Donations

When a family joins Solid Ground, they are often coming from difficult situations that force them to leave their personal belongings behind.  We rely on the community to help provide the items needed for families to settle into their new homes. For a list of these items, check out our basic needs wish list.

Please note: We are no longer accepting personal care items for adults. We do still need personal care items for children (toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo “no stinging of the eyes”, body wash “sensitive skin”, and bubble bath). Feel free to add a bath toy! No Travel size/hotel items, please.

You can also help in the following ways.

  • Host a Donation Drive: Check out our guide to donation drives.
  • Give through our Amazon Wish List: Purchase an item directly from our Amazon Wish List. Please address all deliveries to: East Metro Place Main Office.
  • Donate a Vehicle: Contact Andrée Aronson, CFRE, Director of Advancement at or 651-846-9027 for more information.
  • Donate Furniture through Bridging: We partner with Bridging, a local nonprofit that specializes in furniture donations, for families needing furniture when they move in.

Donations are accepted Monday through Friday at East Metro Place, 3521 Century Avenue North, White Bear Lake, Minnesota, 55110. Our offices have limited storage space, so please contact our Family, Youth & Community Engagement Manager at or 651-846-9024 before bringing in any donations.

Thank you!

Join our Giving Circle

Help Solid Ground build a stronger foundation, allowing us to expand our programs and provide a stable future for our organization.

A Giving Circle pledge is an investment in our future, and the future of the families we house. Together we can help every family that needs a place to call home.

Contact our Director of Advancement if you are interested in joining our Giving Circle.

Ways to Help

You can make a donation now by credit card, or by using our Mail-in Donation Form (PDF) to print and send with your contribution.

Please mail your donation to:
Solid Ground
East Metro Place
3521 Century Avenue North
White Bear Lake, MN 55110-5689

Click here to see our Donor Privacy Policy.

Click here to see our 501(c)3 Determination Letter.

Annual Report & Financials

* The annual report and financials are updated annually.

If you have any questions, please email