Help for Families Experiencing Homelessness

Prevention Assistance

Solid Grounds uses prevention funds for families that are at risk of homelessness. We do this by providing financial support to keep families stably housed. Families can get assistance with past due rent, utilities, and assistance paying the first month’s rent and deposit.

Solid Ground serves families in Ramsey and Washington County. Households are assessed by Solid Ground’s staff to determine eligibility and level of assistance. Funds are limited and may not be available for all households.

 Eligibility Requirements

Live in Ramsey or Washington
Income at or below 200% FPG for Ramsey County and 200% FPG for Washington County*
Submit 30 days of income
Have proof of crisis or need

Additional Information

Ramsey County

*Income at or below 200% FPG

200% FPG



1 Person Household $2,608 $31,300
2 Person Household $3,525 $42,300
3 Person Household $4,442 $53,300
4 Person Household $5,358 $64,300
5 Person Household $6,275 $75,300

* For each additional household member add $11,000 annually


East Metro Place
3521 Century Avenue North
White Bear Lake, MN 55110-5689

For in-person application appointments, email or call 651-308-3743.

Washington County

*Income at or below 200% FPG

200% FPG



1 Person Household $2,608 $31,300
2 Person Household $3,525 $42,300
3 Person Household $4,442 $53,300
4 Person Household $5,358 $64,300
5 Person Household $6,275 $75,300

* For each additional household member add $11,000 annually

How to Apply

*Washington County Residents

Please complete the pre-screening through United Way 211 before completing the online application.

CALL: 2-1-1

Toll Free: 800-543-7709

Local: 651-291-0211


East Metro Place
3521 Century Avenue North
White Bear Lake, MN 55110-5689

For in-person application appointments, email or call 651-308-3743.

If you need assistance, please contact the Prevention Team at