Help for Families in Transition

How You Can Learn More

In Minnesota, children with parents make up over one-third of the homeless population. Every night there are over 3,000 children experiencing homelessness. Nearly half of these children are age 5 or younger. Nearly three-quarters of children are in the care of their mother or a single-female caregiver. Source: Wilder Research 2018 Minnesota Homeless Study

Solid Ground works together with others to meet the needs of children and their families who are experiencing homelessness. We also participate in policy development and advocacy at the local, state and national levels.

To learn more about homelessness and the issues affecting the families served by Solid Ground, see the links below.  If you are interested in someone from Solid Ground presenting to your group, congregation or company, contact Andrée Aronson by phone at (651) 846.9027 or by email at aaronson@solidgroundmn.org.